Centrifuge Acoustic Enclosure
Two acoustic enclosures supplied to house centrifuge machines mounted on a raised platform. The units were supplied with a high-specification 2-coat polyester powder paint finish to provide protection against corrosion of the panels and framework.
A sliding access door is incorporated at the end of the enclosure for access to pipework and valves. Additional means of access is also provided via hinged slide wall acoustic plant screens.
An integrated ventilation system was built into the enclosures, with inlet air drawn across the large drive motor, and warm air extracted by means of a cased axial fan mounted into the side wall of the housing. The ventilation system was designed with appropriate rectangular splitter attenuators in order that the integrity of the acoustic panelling system was not compromised.
The overall enclosure system was designed to reduce the omitted noise levels by 12/15 dB(A).
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